15 Februari 2012, tepat di hari ulang tahun, gue mendarat di Bali pake pesawat baling-baling dari Surabaya. Berangkat jam 6, sampai jam 8 pagi. Ah, ini bakal jadi hari yang menyenangkan. Tujuan nggak banyak, cuma pengen muter-muter aja menikmati hari ulang tahun di Bali. Mobil rental murah meriah nunggu di bandara, siap dipakai. Horey!
Me and my bestie celebrated my Birthday on February 15th in BALI! It’s just a one day trip so we should make it fun all day long. We flew to Bali from Surabaya at 6 o c’clock in the morning and landed in Bali at 8 am. My friend helped me find a rental car for a very cheap price, Rp. 150.000 for 24 hours and the owner waited at the airport for us when we arrived. He handed us the key, and the car was all ours. Yeay!
Mampir di tempat makan pagi favorit di Bali, yaitu Bali Bakery, kita lanjut ke Pantai Double Six di Seminyak. Disinilah ‘mainan’ gue nggak sengaja udah menunggu yaitu 4 ekor anjing herder yang siap main di pantai seharian bareng gue.
Woof Woof!
First stop was my fave bakery in Kuta Bali, “Bali Bakery”:D. Some morning tea, pastries and cakes were really really nice. I gotta tell you that i really like this bakery. It never failed me. After all I didn’t have enough sleep so I needed some energy boost for my own special day and it was a perfect place to start the day. After Bali Bakery, we went to the ‘Double Six’ Beach in Seminyak to play catch and race with some awesome dogs there…oh, I had so much fun with them on this sunny bright day!
Puas main di pantai, siang bolong gue pergi ke tempat makan siang favorit, yaitu the Naughty Warung Nuri’s. Biarin orang udah pada bosen kesini, gue sih nggak akan pernah, soalnya iga nya belum ada yang nyaingin sampai sekarang. ENAK pake banget. Ini warung milik ibu Jawa bernama Suryatmi, bareng suaminya yang orang Amerika. Menu siang ini: pastinya iga, plus bebek garing dan mojito! Ahh…..
Next stop was lunch at the Naughty Warung Nuri’s. This one is really famous for their yummmy barbecued pork spareribs. Owned by the Isnuri Suryatmi, a Javanese, and her husband, Brian Kenney Aldinger, an American expat, Nuri’s has become a total hit since their first opening in 1995. We ordered virgin mojitos, the ribs of course and a crispy duck with rice which surprisingly turned out to be the star dish of all! It was moist, juicy and so so good!
Selanjutnya kita tadinya mau mantai lagi di Padang-Padang, lokasi syuting film ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, ya tapi kok rame banget yaaa.. susananya juga kurang mengundang. Hehehe. Pake ada bau pesing segalaaa… yaa nggak jadi deh, kita langsung ke Tanjung Benoa aja untuk nyari tempat pijet Jari Menari.
Trying to fight my sleepiness having eaten such heavy meal, we drove out and chilled at ‘Padang Padang Beach’, which is very famous for being the set for ‘Eat, Pray, Love’s beach scenes with Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem. For us, it was not our favorite beach in Bali maybe because it has gotten too crowded and a bit dirty. Nice enough tho. Next we went to Tanjung Benoa Bali to check out this Balinese massage “Jari Menari” there.

Waktu kayaknya berjalan cepet banget, udah sore ajaaaa. Gue memutuskan untuk berenti dan ngabisin sore di Klapa Cafe – Dreamland Beach Pecatu Bali. Disini makanannya standar aja, tapi pemandangannya pas banget nih, pasti sebuah hadiah dari Tuhan, gue ngedapetin salah satu SUNSET paling merah dan paling indah yang pernah gue liat seumur hidup gue, minimal sampai tahun 2012 ini ya. Hehehe..
Makasih Tuhan kadonya… indaaahhhh banget. Nggak akan lupa.
Got a little bit lost while trying to find a way back to the central of Bali, we decided just to stop at Klapa Cafe – Dreamland Beach Pecatu Bali, a cliff-edge setting area and relaxing place to adore the breathtaking view of Indian Ocean. The food was not spectacular here but the sunset view was probably one of the best we have ever witnessed. Personally, i think the perfect sunset was God’s bonus gift for my birthday 🙂
Gue tiup lilin kurang lebih setengah jam sebelum sunset di pinggir pantai. Makasih sekali lagi Tuhan untuk umur yang baru. I love YOU, Lord.
Blew my birthday candle on a small peach danish pastry right by the beach at sunset was simply amazing. Thank you Lord for Your love, mercy and kindness. I love YOU.
Malamnya, gue dinner di tempat makan malam favorit di Bali, Menega Cafe, Jimbaran Beach Bali dengan salah satu menu andalan, kerang barbeque. Enak ya ampunnnnn deh. Cuaca cerah dengan cahaya bulan, kaki menapak dipasir sambil menikmati tiap suap, plus air kelapa yang membasuh sesudahnya. Ah, Bali memang akan selalu menyenangkan, walau cuma satu hari. Satu hari istimewa. Selamat Ulang Tahun, Olive!
Closing the wonderful day, we had dinner at Menega Cafe, Jimbaran Beach Bali. Surely didn’t want to miss my fave menu there which is the “bbq clam” with its super yummy sauce. Can’t get in any other place. Slurping my fresh young coconut water while sitting on our number 37 table set up on the sand with the waves only meters away, oh, wouldn’t wish for a better day. My lovely lovely day in Bali 😉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!
an empty box for my birthday, so i can fill it with whatever i want.olivelatuputty.com/blog @shiningliv