Rasa-rasanya sih Sydney bukan kota makanan ya. Tapi selama disana, gue menemukan beberapa cemilan dan makanan enak di Sydney yang bisa gue tulis karena menarik ~ Are u ready?
I didn’t instantly think of food when I came to Sydney. But during my short trip I found some good stuff worth to write about. Let’s talk about it.
Dalam pencarian makanan enak di Sydney, pertama adalah satu restoran yang sudah buka selama 75 tahun di Sydney yang wajib didatengin. Namanya ialah Harry’s Cafe de Wheels, berlokasi di Woolloomooloo. Dari hotel gue sih deket, cuma 10 menit jalan kaki doang. Tempat yang satu ini buka sampai tengah malam jadi enak buat dinikmatin setelah seharian jalan keliling kota.
Only a 10 minutes walk from I where I stayed, I found this legendary place I once visited 13 years ago in Woolloomooloo Sydney. It’s Harry’s Cafe de Wheels. It’s famous. They serve the iconic pies and mushy peas and hot dogs at very reasonable price compare to any other place in Sydney. If I must choose only to eat one thing here (I ordered 4 different items on the menu 😀 ), I’d go for The Hot Dog de Wheels. It has it all. Yummy sausage, mushy peas, chilli con carne, garlic onions, chilli sauce and cheese sauce. Hmm. When I ate there, there were many tourists stopped by. I think it’s officially a part of Sydney tourists’ itinerary now.
Gue memesan 4 jenis menu yang ada, (soalnya harganya kehitung terjangkau banget ketimbang restoran lain di Sydney) tapi yang paling enak sih Hot Dog de Wheels-nya. Pie daging dan kacang polong-nya yang legendaris juga enak walau agak asing di lidah Indonesia. Pas lagi makan, ada beberapa bis turis berisi turis Indonesia yang mampir untuk makan disini.
Gue jadi inget 13 tahun yang lalu gue juga diajak makan disini. Turis spot banget deh memang ini resto.

Jalan-jalan di China Town, gue ketemu satu tempat bernama Emperor’s Garden Cake and Bakery yang terkenal dengan kue soes mini-nya bernama Emperor’s Puff. Murah meriah nih, cuma sedolar aja udah dapat empat biji. Tapi ada satu hal yang harus diinget, makannya kudu pas baru jadi dan panas. Kalau dingin nggak enak!
Walking along Sydney’s China Town, I bumped into a place called Emperor’s Garden Cake and Bakery. Hey, I know this place. Their small window on the side of the restaurant is selling a cheap well-known treat, called Emperor’s Puff, only for AUD 1 (I got 4 little puffs for a dollar). It’s really good under one condition, which is when it’s hot. It sucks when it turns cold.

Di hari kedua, gue pagi-pagi banget udah jalan keluar. Tadinya mau nyobain satu resto makan pagi di daerah Surry Hills. Tapi udah keburu kelaperan, jadi mampir di satu café di pojok jalan yang nyambung ama sebuah Hostel bernama Kafe Elephant. Mesen satu gelas kopi dan satu jenis makanan Amerika klasik (bukan khas Australia) bernama Eggs Benedict.
On my second day in Sydney, I found this small café on the corner attached to a backpacker hostel called “Elephant Café”. I was hungry and had not eaten any breakfast yet. So I stopped for a cup of coffee and a portion of Eggs Benedict. Two halves of an English muffins topped with bacon, poached eggs, and Hollandaise sauce. This one that I tried was reallllyyy goood.
Mungkin sekarang, di tahun berapapun kalian baca tulisan ini, Eggs Benedict udah gampang dicari. Tapi asli deh, di tahun 2013 ini, masih susah nemu resto di Jakarta yang jualan menu ini. Roti, daging babi goreng garing, telur setengah matang, saus Hollandaise dan daun selada. Ah enak banget, parah!

Di sekitar Darling Harbour ada sebuah mall bernama The Star yang gue datengin. Gue agak jarang sebenernya ngunjungin mall kalo lagi jalan-jalan ke suatu negara tertentu. Tapi di mall ini ada sebuah toko kue yang sudah gue incar. Toko kue ini dikelola sama seorang koki Australia bernama Adriano Zumbo. Kalau pernah nonton Masterchef Australia pasti tau deh orang nya yang mana. Dia terkenal jago bikin makanan penutup dan bikin sebuah kue kecil renyah ala Prancis bernama Macaroon / makaron. Makaron yang dia buat namanya berubah jadi “Zumbaroons”.
Later on the day, I went to a mall in Darling Harbour area, called ‘The Star’. Why did I go the mall in Sydney? Because it where Adriano Zumbo’s patisserie is located. If you watched Australian MasterChef show, you’ll know this guy. He is chef known for his desserts and most of all his macaroons. Those were what I was aiming for. The famous Zumbo’s macaroons, or the “Zumbaroons”. They were right there, colorfully displayed inside a glass shelf and sold for AUD 2,5 each. I bought a couple and my personal favorite was the “caramelized banana and balsamic vinegar” one. YUM!
Begitu sampai, makanan kecil yang dijual terlihat sangat menggoda. Dengan harga Rp.27.000 sepotong, zumbaroon-nya yang warna warni pun minta diborong semua. Rasanya enak, terutama yang rasa pisang karamel campur cuka balsamik.
Selain Zumbaroons, di mall yang sama gue juga mengincar sebuah toko gelato (es krim a la Italia) yang terkenal paling enak se-Sydney bernama Gelato Messina. Bahkan katanya ini gelato Italia terenak yang ada di luar Italia. Bayangin deh. Antrinya lumayan, tapi cukup cepet geraknya. Sambil ngantri gue sambil mikir mau nyoba gelato rasa apa soalnya yang dipajang banyak banget. Ada rasa lama, ada juga rasa ‘percobaan’ baru, kayak rasa “Robert Brownie JNR”. Gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk beli dua rasa gelato seharga Rp.65.000. Rasanya? Persis sama kayak iklannya. Super enak. Favorit gue ialah yang salted caramel and white chocolate. Dinikmatinnya pelan-pelan banget supaya nggak cepet abis :D.
At the very same mall, I found the most popular gelato in the entire city of Sydney. Can u believe it? The name is Gelato Messina. People even said that this one is the best gelato outside Italy. Their flavors created with premium ingredients. I took around 10 minutes to make up my mind on which flavor to buy. I finally chose two flavors, “the salted caramel and white chocolate” plus “salted coconut and mango salsa”. Oh, it was beyond delicious. Heavenly! By the way if you come to Gelato Messina, there will always be a lot of people lining up, but don’t worry the queues move really quickly.
Selama di Sydney gue sangat mengidam makanan laut. Soalnya katanya wajib kan makan “Fish and Chips” di Sydney. Waktu gue mau naik ferry dari Circular Quay ke Darling Harbor, akhirnya kesampaian juga. Ada satu kedai makanan cepat saji yang ngejual sepiring penuh “Fish and Chips” ditambah kalamari dan capit kepiting goreng dengan harga cukup murah. Gue beli satu, plus seporsi kecil salad gurita. Nyemil makanan laut diatas ferry yang bergerak sambil menikmati pemandangan kota, rasanya sangat menyenangkan!
In Sydney I was also craving for some seafood. So before I got on a ferry from Circular Quay to Darling Harbor, I stopped by at a take away seafood stall and bought myself a portion of ‘Seafood Platter’ for only AUD 12 consisted of a deep fried big chunk of fish, calamari, French fries and crab claws. It’s basically a classic fish and chips plus plus. I also bought myself a fresh octopus salad. For me, it can never go wrong with seafood. It’s always good, especially enjoyed on a moving ferry while gazing at the view of the gorgeous Sydney.

Satu hal terakhir yang gue suka ialah ketika menemukan es krim Magnum disana dengan berbagai jenis rasa yang belum masuk di Indonesia tahun 2013 ini. Ada rasa coklat putih, kopi espresso, rasa champagne strawberry, rasa mint, dan lain-lain. Pas lagi kepanasan di Pantai Bondi, Magnum pun menemani supaya tenggorokan segar. Hmmmm.
One last thing I enjoyed was Magnum Ice Cream. We have it in Indonesia as well under a different name (here the brand is Street, in Indonesia the brand is Walls). Here I found it in many interesting flavors. I just had to try them.

Seru juga nih nemuin cemilan dan makanan enak di Sydney!
your comments are so welcome guys! and you can also follow my blog! thank u:)
ALSO READ : 10 Things I Did in Sydney Australia (2019)
trying on new food is an absolute fun!
– olivelatuputty.com –@shiningliv
oliiiiip … ini info berharga. Makasih buat referensi kulinernya yaaaa. Gue minggu depan mo jalan ke sydney.
aa dapet komen dari Idfi!!! glad i can still help a great traveler like u… have fun in Aussie!
Hi Olive,
Boleh tau dimana persisnya dan nama kedai cepat saji yang jual Fish & Chips, plus harganya ?
Saya berencana transit di Sydney skitar 6 jam sebelum next flight ke hawaii pada april tahun ini. So mungkin hanya akan killing time skitar Darling Harbour and/or Opera House.
Kalau ada masukan yang lain selama 6jam saya di Sydney, please share ya…
ThxB4 🙂
hi Nara.. thanks for reading…
Yang jual fish n chips di seputar situ ada beberapa and very easy to find kok, no worries. Pasti nemu. Nama persisnya aku lupa tapi tampilannya menggoda banget, you’ll notice it. Kalau hanya ada 6 jam, mending langsung ke ikonik places aja. Darling Harbour and Opera House would be PERFECT. Jangan banyak2 lokasi karena nanti jadi buru-buru dan nggak menikmati suasana. Jangan lupa naik ferry-nya ya! Have fun and enjoy Hawaii juga! Cheers!
just realized that i got this comment. sorry it takes forever to reply.. hope u went to Sydney already and found the resto and enjoyed Sydney in general as much as i did. Cheers!
itu nama restoran fast food yg jualan fish and chips sama octopus saladnya apaa?