Nonton Sepak Bola di Bukit Jalil Malaysia

Baru aja balik nih dari nonton sepak bola Indonesia di luar negeri untuk pertama kalinya. Gue sengaja terbang ke Malaysia, untuk nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia. Ini adalah pertanding kedua dari AFF Suzuki Cup 2012 Grup B, antara Indonesia VS Singapura.

Just got back from my first time watching football match abroad! It’s the second match of Group B AFF Suzuki Cup 2012, Indonesia VS Singapore, and I secured my self a free ticket to watch it live in Bukit Jalil Stadium Malaysia. Awesome!

Begitu sampai di Kuala Lumpur, gue naik taksi langsung ke daerah Bukit Jalil dengan ongkos sekitar Rp. 235.000. Kurang lebih perjalanan kesana ditempuh selama satu setengah jam (plus macet karena hujan dan jam pulang kantor). Hotel tempat gue nginep bernama ‘Palace of Golden Horses’. Ini hotel gedeeee banget.d

Dari hotel ini, gue bisa naik kapal mini selama 15 menitan melewati danau dan lapangan golf, langsung ke MALL yang letaknya di belakang hotel. Buset naik kapal ke mall…canggih ya. Jarang-jarang ya kan. Hehehe

I flew to Kuala Lumpur and took a taxi straight to Bukit Jalil area. The distance is around 55 km away, and the traffic was quite bad due to the heavy rain. (For your information, taking a cab from Kuala Lumpur airport to Bukit Jalil will cost around RM 74 ($US 24). There are several other ways tho, like taking a Bus (RM9) or a train (RM 35 from KLIA or RM 12,5 from LCCT) to KL Central Station, and then continue by another train to Bukit Jalil for RM 3 or by a cab for around RM 17 – please notice that these prices are based on my trip in 2012). I arrived at my hotel ‘Palace of Golden Horses’ an hour and a half later. It’s a huge interesting hotel where they have a boat on the lake at the back of the hotel that can take me straight to the mall, called ‘the Mines’ right behind it. Such a unique short trip to the mall! I liked it.

nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia
on the boat from the hotel to the mall


nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia
the boats in the mall – kapal-kapal yang mengantar ke dalam mall


Besok sorenya gue nonton pertandingan dari stadion yang berjarak 15 menit dari hotel. Ada teman dari Nike Indonesia yang sudah berbaik hati nyediain tiket VIP (thank u Lili) supaya nontonnya bisa nyaman. Waktunya jerit-jerit untuk tim Indonesia deh. Kita cewek berdua suaranya kencenggg bangettt. Hahahah! Setelah menunggu 87 menit, akhirnya ada gol tercipta dari Andik yang membuat tim kita unggul hingga akhir pertandingan. Hore!!! Sebenarnya gue pengen banget tinggal di Bukit Jalil sampai tanggal 1 Desember pas Indonesia ngelawan Malaysia. Tapi sayangnya gue ada kerjaan di tanggal 1.

The next day was the match day! I took a 15 minutes drive- shuttle from the hotel to the Stadium. There I met my friend from Nike Indonesia who provided me with the free VIP ticket, found ourselves the best seats and prepared our voices to scream loud for Indonesia. GO TEAM!  We were really really nervous during the entire game, because we knew we had to win. Not until the 87 minutes when we finally scored. 1-0 for Indonesia!! Woohhhooo!! The score didn’t change until the end of the game and we won! Soooo happy!! With this victory, Indonesia leads Group B with four points, after drawing versus Laos in the first game. Too bad I couldn’t stay longer in Malaysia until tomorrow (Dec 1st) to watch the last qualification round against Malaysia. Crossing my fingers for that one.

me, stadium, ticket and Indonesian crowd.


after Andik scored the one goal


peeking at the Laos’ coach’s note while watching the game


nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia

Karena Indonesia menang, malamnya kita ngerayain dengan makan enak di Bukit Bintang. Ada satu restaurant Tapas yang enak (terutama iga babinya) bernama Pinchos. Semoga nanti lawan Malaysia menang lagi…aminn.

We celebrated the victory by dining in Pinchos, a Tapas Bar at Jalan Chankat, Bukit Bintang. They served a delicious pork ribs! Yumm.. The day after that, I had to return to Jakarta but there was a misfortune of me missing my flight. I had to extend another day in KL. Ouch. It’s the fourth time this year I missed my flight. Next year and hopefully the rest of my life, it won’t happen again. Anyway, the experience of watching a live game abroad was great, I probably will have to do it more often.

nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia
some of the food ordered at Pinchos


Besok sorenya keberuntungan nggak berpihak di gue. Waktu gue balik ke Indonesia, gue ketinggalan pesawat gara-gara salah turun stasiun waktu naik kereta ke bandara!!! Ah, Ini keempat kalinya gue ketinggalan pesawat tahun 2012 ini. HIKS. Gara-gara itu gue harus tambah satu hari ekstra tinggal di Kuala Lumpur.

Diluar insiden itu, seru juga ternyata loh nonton tim Indonesia bertanding di luar negeri, nonton sepak bola di bukit jalil Malaysia.  

Lain kali lagi ah.

ps: Thanks Babe!

as a matter of fact, i would travel for football @shiningliv

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