HongKong – Food! (photos)

Talk about Chinese Food in HongKong…. well, the food in HongKong is certainly better than the food I had when visiting mainland China – in my opinion. But it still comes second compare to the food I had in Taiwan. But that’s just according to me.

If you travel to HongKong, their street food is one of the city’s unique experiences. You can tell that the culinary roots run deep through the foundation of the city and there’s so much to discover. I heard, HongKong have more than 10,000 Chinese restaurants, noodle shops and street food stalls. Sadis! Banyak yang enak emang..dan penasaran  juga sih pengen nyobain smua makanan unik yang ditemuin ditemuin di jalan..tapi kadang ngeliat bentuknya lumayan serem…aneh-aneh kalo diliat close up! jadi akhirnya untuk makanan tertentu, seru cuma untuk di potret ato diliatin doang, gak usah dimakan..takut sakit perut! HA!

These are a few interesting photos of some culinary in HongKong.


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