My Road Trip di Swiss ^^

written in English & Bahasa

Road Trip dan menyetir (atau kalau dalam kasus gue, disetirin) di Swiss emang nggak ada tandingannya. Apalagi pas lagi musim dingin. Kenapa nggak ada tandingannya? Karena di Swiss gue bisa menyaksikan pemandangan cantik di sepanjang jalan, yaitu pegunungan saljunya yang terkenal itu. Bukan cuma gunung-gunung yaitu JungFrau, Eiger dan Monch, tapi juga danau serta perkotaan dan desa-desa Swiss yang cantik. Untuk seorang perempuan yang tinggal di Jakarta, gue berasa lagi diculik dan dibawa dimensi kehidupan yang lain….

// Driving in Switzerland was such a lovely experience…especially when it’s winter! I got to witness God’s amazing creation while driving along the Swiss alpine roads. The astonishing views of lakes, mountains and picturesque villages were just crazily pretty. Imagine the breathtaking views of JungFrau, Eiger and Monch Mountains, all covered in white….. ah, I think some of Europe’s best scenery can be found here in Swiss. Seriously, for a girl who lives in polluted Jakarta City every day, it was like driving to another dimension of life. HA! //

Satu hal yang paling gue suka road trip di Swiss ialah dimana aja kita lewat dan berenti, yang kita lihat tuh bisa jadi objek foto yag keren. Satu kali kita nyasar pas dalam perjalanan ke Interlaken. Nyasarnya ialah ke sebuah danau super bagus di daerah sepi tanpa turis. Ya ampun danaunya bening sampai keliatan dasarnya. Kalo bukan lagi musim dingin, udah nyebur deh pasti..walaupun gak bisa berenang..hehehe..asli airnya bening banget dan suasananya enak banget..dikelilingin pegunungan salju gitu…plus nggak ada siapa-siapa..betahhh!!!  Bener deh, jangankan tempat wisatanya, di tempat isi bensin dan tempat peristirahatan aja keliatan bagus.

// What I like about driving is that I can stop to take photos everywhere I want. On my way to Interlaken for example, I found this ridiculously beautiful lake hidden in a small town (I forgot the name :D) . It was a non-touristy area, very peaceful and quite, and the lake was so clean, I could see the bottom of it. If it was not in winter, I would have jumped straight away!!! I can say that every corner in Swiss is a photography object.//


road trip di Swiss
the lake we found…ain’t it pretty??


lunch at one stop area


Kemaren waktu nyetir di Swiss saat musim dingin, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan. Mobil harus lengkap dengan peralatan untuk bisa ngelewatin daerah salju. Kedua, ban mobil harus diperhatiin tekanan dan kondisinya. Ketiga, bensin wajib isi FULL (kemaren itu sekitar Rp. 1,1 juta sekali isi full). Gue sempet menemukan sebuah mobil yang mogok karena abis bensin di tengah pengunungan salju. Kasian banget mereka…. terjebak dan sibuk minta tolong ke mobil-mobil yang lewat.

// In order to drive in Swiss during winter, the car has to be loaded with winter travel gear like tire chains, ice scraper/snowbrush, etc. Check tire pressure during cold weather, then you must keep the fuel tank full. (Around 80 euro full tank). We met a family with two kids running out of gas in the middle of the mountain…really bad. The dad stopped every car included ours trying to find extra gasoline and finally hitchhiked looking for the nearest petrol station. poor them. //

Dan satu lagi, untuk bisa nyetir di Swiss, seperti layaknya negara di Eropa, harus ngerti banget sama rambu dan peraturan lalu lintas. Nggak kayak di Indonesia dimana kita bisa seenaknya nyetir, disana setiap rambu ada artinya dan harus ditaati. Nah, Di Swiss tuh banyak jalan terowongan yang ngebelah gunung..kadang 4-5 km bahkan puluhan kilometer nyetir didalam terowongan. Harus ekstra hati-hati dan ngikutin aturan kecepatan yang ada. Masalahnya jalannya tuh enak banget buat ngebut!! Dan tau nggak, waktu lagi sekali-kalinya nyetir agak ‘khilaf’ di jalan tol, mobil kita kena foto kamera tilang di jalan raya.. wadoh! Harus bayar denda deehhhh….

// Driving in Swiss, just like in any other European countries, we have to pay attention carefully to the traffic signs everywhere. Unlike in Indonesia where we can drive anyhow we want, rules are not made to be broken in Europe.  In Swiss, the maximum speed is 120 km/hour and around 80 km/hour inside the tunnels. Once, I really believed that our car got speed camera flashed while overtaking a truck one time (it was only 125 km/hour maybe). We’re not sure weather the flash was meant for our car, but if that really happened, the fine ticket wont be sent to us in Indonesia. Oh, so sorry car owner…huhuhu //

road trip di Swiss
the tunnels -road trip di Swiss


Salah satu kota yang kita mampirin dalam perjalanan darat di Swiss ini ialah ibukota Swiss yaitu Bern. Banyak yang mikir kalo ibukota Swiss itu Geneva atau Zurich, padahal yang bener tuh Bern. Ini salah satu kota yang indahnya ampun-ampunan. Di tengah kota, ada sebuah kadang BERUANG yang merupakan simbol kota Bern sendiri. Sayangnya pas gue sampe beruangnya lagi bobo hibernasi karena lagi musim dingin. Tapi pemandangan di sekitar kandang beruang tuh nggak ada matinya. Bagus banget.

// During our road trip we stopped over at many places and one of them is Bern (Berne), the capital city of Switzerland. We drove straight to the Bear Park/ Bear Pit in the city center where they have real bears live there. Every major city has it’s own unique distinctive trademarks, and it’s nice to see in Bern that they have live bears as theirs! Bears have played an important role in Bern, which features the animal on its flag and coat-of-arms – it is the symbol of Bern. I was very excited to see the bears, but unfortunately it was in the middle of winter, all bears are hibernating. DUH! The lovely spot to view parts of the river and old city was really good tho. I really enjoyed Bern. More stories of the places we went to during the road trip, coming up.//


road trip di Swiss

road trip di Swiss
That’s me posing! Look at the pretty BERN!!!!


Lebih banyak cerita tentang tempat-tempat yang kita datengin selama road trip di Swiss, segera menyusul.

just drive and see where the road takes you – @shiningliv

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