Hey it’s 2022! Ini adalah post pertama gue di tahun 2022. Dan karena tahun baru kemarin gue habiskan di Batu Malang, jadi di post pertama ini, gue mau ngasih list pilihan …
SEI Paling Enak Di Kupang
Selamat datang di Kupang. Ibukota SE’I dunia. Buat yang belum tau se’i itu apa, itu adalah sejenis daging asap. Bayangin daging berbumbu rempah diiris panjang dan diletakkan diatas tumpukan kayu …
Go Organic and MSG Free!
Update: Since 2013, this restaurant has moved to a new location ,Jl Cikini Raya (infront of IKJ Campus) and my personal all time fave food written in this blog is …
Bumen, Your Tongseng Rawks!
Here is the scenario. One day my boyfriend played soccer with his buddies for 90 minutes, scored 3 goals, extremely tired and hungry, drove more than 15 km to central …
DEER meat in KOI Kemang!
Another fave spot in Kemang, Jakarta. I first came to KOI several years ago at my best friend’s farewell party. I recognized the good quality of the food back then. …