Me & Swiss Snow at Grindelwald Ski Resort Switzerland

A little snowy story when I was in Switzerland. The plan was to have some ski lessons in the mountains, but the reality was a little different šŸ˜€

Anyway, basically there are around 30 ski resorts in Switzerland. The most expensive ones are ā€œSt. Moritzā€, ā€œGstaadā€, ā€œFlims Laax Farelaā€, and ā€œZermattā€ (the most successful resort).

I wanted to go to St. Moritz cause itā€™s the most familiar one for me, but like I just said, itā€™s expensive!!! so I needed to find a more affordable one, which also nearer to my position, at the Jungfrau Mountain region. Our final choice was finally a ski resort called Grindelwald. EXCITED!

We drove up to the mountain, a few twists and turns, slight change in elevation, passing such awesome views for photo ops (so beautiful!), and arrived safely in Grindelwald. Our GPS didnā€™t fail us!

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

The town is larger than we thought and the streets were a little confusing. We went straight which was apparently a dead end (no route out except the one we took coming in). And after a while we finally managed to find a safe place to park the car.

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort
me posing… pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort


pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

Grindelwald is one of the worldā€™s classic and original ski resorts, and very pretty. There are more than 50 hotels here and many good bars and restaurants.

We stopped by the bakery and a restaurant right next to it to enjoy our Swiss food for lunch. Yummmm!!

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort

After that, it was all about enjoying the snow! Grindelwald has 1 big snowboard park, 72 ski trails, and 8 cable cars. Enough to entertain everyone including me!! and btw I just found out that Grindelwald is not only a ski resort. Grindelwald ski area is also included in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage areas. So imagine how nice it is. If you wanna know how great the sight is, watch James Bond movie ā€œHis Majestyā€™s SecretĀ Serviceā€ which took place around JungfrauĀ Mountains Region.

I spent the whole day enjoying the Grindelwald ski resort. LOVED it!!!!

yes, i am THIS happy. a happy kid in a white landscape


pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort
pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort


pengalaman di Grindelwald Ski Resort
narcissistic moment with the dog!


another self portrait moment…HA~


pengalaman Grindelwald Ski Resort


The two things, love and snow, that make the world look fresh againĀ –@shiningliv

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